
目前在读的摩特诺玛学生可以 登入MyMU to access all virtual and in-person career services including career counseling appointments with trained career counselors, personalized assistance with job applications and interview preparation, 欧宝娱乐官网即将到来的职业发展活动的信息, 还有我们的在线招聘板.

校友 are also invited to search for jobs and internships on our online job board.

问题? 联络我们: careerservices@ldhflagshipshop.com.


实践学习:实习,实习 & 指导

Undergraduate students in our Business, Global Studies, Exercise Science, Worship & 艺术与青年 & Educational Ministries programs as well as graduate students in our Global Development & 正义, 咨询, 部门的领导, and Nonprofit Management programs can gain career experience through our internship opportunities.


We regularly invite alumni and community members to connect with students in a variety of ways throughout the school year. 在小组讨论会上发言, 校园招聘, 参观课堂, 接待实习生或实习教师, 和一个顶尖学生一起工作, 指导未来的牧师, 作为客座演讲嘉宾, 和更多的.

电子邮件 careerservices@ldhflagshipshop.com and let us know how you would like to be involved and we will do our best to connect you with the right opportunity.

Interested in hiring a Multnomah University student, intern, or graduate?

Multnomah students and alumni are always looking for new opportunities and want to connect with your organization. 请将空缺职位和实习职位发布到Handshake, Multnomah’s online job board and virtual recruitment platform.






For detailed instructions on setting up an Employer Account, 点击这里.


If you would like to advertise a local part-time job to current students via our on-campus and virtual bulletin boards (nannying, 院子里工作, 辅导等.)请电邮 careerservices@ldhflagshipshop.com.

Job and internship postings are distributed to students through a variety of internal email lists, 社交网络, 和网站.

*Multnomah University reserves the right to refuse to distribute job or internship postings at our discretion.

**Please note: while we strive to share jobs that are aligned with Multnomah University’s mission, 愿景, 和价值观, it is the responsibility of each individual to do due diligence on any organization to which they are applying. MU does not assume liability for the jobs or internships posted through the links above, 也不认可列出的组织. Internships listed may or may not qualify for academic credit. Please check with your faculty supervisor before starting an internship for course credit.